
"*" indicates required fields


Thank you for taking part in the 2022 Virtual Care Expo!

This form must be submitted by Thursday 22nd September at 5pm.

Note - You can save this form and continue later. To do so, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on the 'Save Progress and Continue Later' button. Follow the instructions so you don't lose your data. This has been set up to make it easier for you to fill out the form prior to the deadline, however the form must be fully submitted by the due date.


Homepage - Exhibitor Details

Your exhibitor stand will appear on the homepage when visitors first arrive at the virtual event.
Please enter the name of your organisation. This will be displayed throughout the virtual site.
When people hover over your exhibit a small window appears with your exhibitor name (from the field above) and a short description. Please enter this short description below to describe your business and entice them to visit your exhibit. (Up to 25 words)

Exhibitor Page - About your Organisation

When visitors click on your exhibit they are taken to your exhibitor page which has information about your organisation, contact details, useful links, videos (optional) and more. Please enter these details below.
Please enter your full web address, this will be an external link to your website - i.e http://example.com.au
Please enter a tagline or short description that will appear under your Exhibitor Name on your exhibitor page. (Up to 25 words)
Please enter up to 500 words to describe your organisation. This is the longer description and the main body text for each exhibitor page. (Up to 500 words)

Exhibitor Page - Contact Details

This section will appear on your exhibitor page and contains contact details for visitors who are interested in getting in touch with you.
Please enter a contact name for your organisation. Can be a person or a department.
Please enter a direct contact email address for visitors to email you. Can be a person or department
Please enter a phone number for visitors to call.

Exhibitor Page - Contact Form

Your exhibitor page will have a contact form for visitors to send you a message. It will include their name, email, phone number and message.
Please enter the email address that you want the Contact Form enquiries to be sent to.


Exhibitor Page - Zoom Information

Zoom info text here

Exhibitor Page - Useful Links

Your exhibitor page allows you to include up to 5 useful links for your visitors. These could be links to pages on your website, or external pages for educational purposes. You can have less than 5 links, but no more.

Useful Link 1

Enter the URL here - http://example.com.au/services
This is the name or title of the link. i.e Our Services

Useful Link 2

Useful Link 3

Useful Link 4

Useful Link 5

Exhibitor Page - Video Gallery

Your exhibitor page has the option to include a video gallery where youtube videos can be displayed. Only youtube is supported. You can show up to 5 youtube videos in your gallery. If you do not have any youtube videos, the gallery will not display. For each video below you will need to enter the Youtube Link / Address, the Title of the video, and a Short Description of the video.

Youtube Video 1

Please add the full youtube URL below - i.e https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxhQdnJoivA
Please enter the title of the video. I.e About our Organisation
Please enter a short description of the video

Youtube Video 2

Youtube Video 3

Youtube Video 4

Youtube Video 5

Exhibitor Page - Virtual Showbag

Your exhibitor page will have a virtual showbag that where visitors can download individual files or the full showbag in a single download.
Please upload your Virtual Showbag files here. Up to 10 files allowed. Formats include pdf, jpg, doc, ppt, wav, mp3.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 8 MB, Max. files: 10.

    Exhibitor Stand - Company Logo

    Your exhibitor stand will appear on the homepage in the exhibitor hall. In this section, you can give us instructions for how you would like your exhibitor stand to appear.
    Please upload a .jpg, .png, .eps or .ai version of your logo
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 8 MB, Max. files: 2.

      Exhibitor Stand - Color Selection

      Your stand can have 2 colours - a primary brand colour, and a secondary colour. These colours will be used to customise your stand
      ColorPick color
      ColorPick color

      Exhibitor Stand - Virtual Staff Member Design

      Your stand will have a single virtual avatar / staff member present in the booth.
      Exhibitor Design*
      Please select an option from the 6 items below for your virtual staff member. Your staff member will be customised with your colours and logo provided above.

      Exhibitor Stand - Design

      You can choose from 9 designs below for your stand. These will be customised with your colours, logo and supplied instructions.
      Exhibitor - Stand Design*
      Please select from one of 9 options for your stand design. You can supply additional files via the 'Other Assets' section below and you can add specific design instructions to the 'Additional Comments' section.

      Please upload any brand design guidelines, specific instructions or images to use for pullup banners etc within your stand.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 8 MB.
        Please provide any addition comments or notes here.