Noah’s Ark Inc. supports families in Victoria, New South Wales, ACT and surrounding areas.
We offer a range of services and programs that support families who have a child with a disability or additional needs between the ages of 0-12 years in their homes, child care centres, kindergartens, schools and out in the community. Our specialists have professional backgrounds in speech pathology, occupational therapy, education, physiotherapy and psychology. Therapists and specialist teachers help you and your child to be more independent with everyday activities such as eating, toileting, playing and sleeping. They help build the skills and participation of your child. We give you the information, resources and support you need to help your child learn, develop and reach their goals. We help parents and carers understand and manage their child’s emotions and behaviour. We provide specialist support and strategies for teachers or educators for your child’s successful inclusion. Specialist assessment, advice and support is available to you for your child’s specialist equipment needs. The program also provides support and guidance to prepare your child for a positive start to school or wherever the are experiencing transitions. Your child’s voice is important as they grow and learn and we work with you to include their ideas.
Noah's Ark - Everyday Learning and Therapy
Jen Galvin
0430 376 756
Noah's Ark - Everyday Learning and Therapy
Jen Galvin
0430 376 756